Staff Directory

Stephen Aaron

Stephen Aaron

Georgia Deputy Director
Programs | State and Local Leaders Program

Stephen was born and raised in Ellijay, Georgia and grew up on a farm raising Apples and Chickens. In 2005 Stephen was bitten by the political bug when he paged for his State Senator for a day. From that point on he began to volunteer for campaigns starting with Gary Black for Agriculture Commissioner in his failed 2005 race to unseat the incumbent Democrat Tommy Irvin. He started a Teenage Republican Chapter in preparation for the 2008 election. After graduating from High School in 2009, he attended Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College, where he continued to volunteer in campaigns, served in multiple cacities in College Republicans, and Student Government, eventually Chairing both organizations. He also proposed and created the Regional Director Program for the Georgia Association of College Republicans.

After graduating with an Associates in Political Science and a Bachelor's in Eonomic development, Stephen went to work on his first post-college job, managing the Primary campaign for Georgia's Speaker of the House in 2014. In 2015 he was elected to serve as the Chairman for the Gilmer County Republican Party of Georgia. Also in that same year he was appointed as the Communication Director for the 9th Congressional District Republian Party.

In 2018 he was recruited to work for Vanguard Field Strategies where he managed and conducted field operations for campaigns, non-profits, and Political Action Committees. In 2020 he served as Political Director for a congressional space in Georgia's 7th Congressional District Primary, and in the fall served as Campaign Staff for Trent Staggs fr Salt lake County Mayor.

Starting in 2021 he served as a Regional Field Director for north-eastern Georgia for the Georgia Republican Party for both the General and runoff eletion.

Stephen join the Leadership Institute staff as Georgia Deputy Director of Grassroots in June of 2023.

Contact Stephen